Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Eternal Craving...

Craving is part of being human. But what differentiates us from other animals is the type of stuff that we crave for. the feelings n emotions that drive us. In short, the most important thing that humans crave for is- affection, care n love…

Into college life in the true earnest since a month n its evident how important these things r in life. Only when we lose something do we realize its significance…else we tend 2 take it for granted.Be it parents, ur best pal or ur beloved. All matter, even though its not evident every moment. At those lonely times, when memories tend 2 drown u in nostalgia, if u regret not having don something that u could hav done 2 that loved one, then u hav failed!

Live every moment, but not for ur joy… for d happiness for that special one .  That’ll give u unprecedented satisfaction n joy, not only at that moment, but every time u reminiscence about those past days.  These r what makes life’s so much worth living. All of us have lived for ourselves; trying 2 achieve our dreams;  being glad of our success et al. For once, try 2 live for others, helping them achieve their aim, bringing a smile 2 their faces.I guarantee u d feeling is paradise...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Life Moves On... In Bombay!

Long time since I last wrote on my blog… N how life’s changed since then… Into and almost settled at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay , reputed to be THE best engineering insti in the country at present… N a lot seems to b different in life n lifestyle…

First few days… missed home, parents, n friends a lot… fell ill due to d incessant rainfall out here… n that brought back memories… pain n fondness… that care n concern… those ever-present affection… I realized what it means being parents…

Things got in2 place with time… as is the case always… humans move on… through darkness n light… its d rhythm of life… made new friends- some good, some not-so-good… learning 2 live alone, independent … lonely yet oneness with self…

Lets see what’s in store in d upcoming days…

Monday, July 19, 2010

Alvidaaa...! U Stay In My Heart!

True that change is the only thing permanent, and one who stays stagnant loses out on the race of life... so, alike everyone else, I too have to go on, rather than rueing the past. But the important thing for all of us is- when you leave behind the past, leave it with a smile on the face. And that is possible only if we carry the happy memories, the sweet moments that made our life so much worth living for. And discard the painful ones, the sad and sorrowful experiences from our memory; just as we remember a person for his virtues rather than his vices...
I, personally, am so glad to have had such a beautiful life till now, with so many lovely people, that I have absolutely no regrets about things that could have been different or better. My heartful thanks to everyone who has been with me in this vista of Earth, I’m glad I got to know U all n live the moments in elan... And however much I may change, I can never forget about those who are dear to me...
My blog has been a wonderful way to express myself, and I hope to continue it as and when situation is conducive. But as I jump into the unknown, I don’t know what lies ahead... But I am sure my friend and well wishers’ blessings will carry me through the worst...

A New Life Beckons!

Life is a journey as they say... Meets n partings, arrivals n departures are all its integral parts... But then, what is this called- leaving the place where your entire life has been, unsure of when next you’ll be coming back and for how long? As I leave for a wholly new venture to join IIT Bombay, one is forced to ponder over the aspect- what it actually means to miss people, places and events; how helpless one feels when unable to return back to those stands left behind in the memory lane...
It is very well said, that we may get to like new places, enjoy experiences we’ve always dreamt of, and start to love new and special people, as we move along the path of life. But however much our life may change, nothing can take the place of the things that we miss. The scars of old wounds on the body and mind, stay forever, the voids left in the heart, of people who had once been so special, can never be filled by any other...

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Just as I previously mentioned, it would be utter foolishness on anyone’s part to try and define what is love...  But what I’ve learnt is that it manifests itself in small things and the most insignificant of our actions. Hence it is necessary to always keep love in our mind irrespective of whether we gain the expected benefits or not...
Picking up the phone and telling the affectionate words, the sincere apologies, the gratitude that we have been postponing since some time. Opening the door to someone who seeks our help. Pondering and taking a long due decision. Asking forgiveness for a mistake we have made, burying the personal ego. Demanding what we rightfully deserve. Gifting a dear one, a fresh flower of our choice, rather than a jewellery. Playing music loud when the person u love is far away, but playing it low when he/she is nearby. Discovering jobs or sports that can be done by two. Finding out ur comfort zone with ur partner. Not following any recipe, not even the ones contained in this paragraph, because love seeks creativity...
When nothing else is possible, when all that remains is loneliness all around n despair, then remember this simple childish story-
A rose dreamt day and night about bees but no bees landed on her soft petals. However, the flower continued to dream, often into long nights - of dozens of bees descending on her n kissing her lightly. By doing so, she was able to last till the next day to open its petals to the new sun. One day the moon, aware of her loneliness, asked her,
“Aren’t U tired of waiting?”
“Possibly,  but I can’t stop trying.”
“Because it I don’t smile to the world, if I chose to suffer within, if I don’t remain open, I will simply fade away.”
At times when loneliness seems to crush all beauty and hope, the only way to resist is to stay open to love and all humanity and stay true to our heart...

P.S.-Sorry 4 being away 4 so long! 

Saturday, June 26, 2010


There have been instances our lives, when we long to help someone, to express our solidarity and love, but are unable to do so. Circumstances prevent us from approaching them or sometimes, the person declines our support n chooses stay closed off from us. At such times, the only thing we have left within us is love. When we can do nothing, we can still love, expecting no reward, change or gratitude in return.
It may appear fantasy at first thought, but it is proved by experience- love’s got an energy associated with it. When we love truly, the energy of love begins to change d world around us. This energy permeates all matter n always achieves its aim. “Time doesn’t transform man. Will power doesn’t transform man. Love transforms,” says Henry Drummond.
Love cures ailments of mind as well as body. Its energy is divine n non-quantifiable. But sometimes, we feel that love builds traps n can end up destroying a person who has resolved to give him or herself completely to it. This feeling is so complex yet, deep down, is the only reason we continue to live, struggle and improve.
An attempt to understand it in the subsequent post(s)...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


A beautiful story that I came across recently, goes like this-
Once there was a wise man, who moved into a new n big city. No one took much notice of him n his teachings were not taken up by d populace. After some time, he became d object of their mockery, taunts n ironic comments.
One day while he was walking down d Main Street, a group of men n women began insulting him. Instead of pretending that he had not noticed, he turned towards them n blessed them.
One of d men said, “Are u deaf too? We call u d foulest of names n u respond with sweet word!”
“We, each of us, can only offer what we have within us”, came d wise man’s reply.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Personal Ravings........

Out here in Jabalpur, in Madhya pradesh... Out moving in d suburbs, saw a great sight....an agnostic that i am.... saw a Hanuman temple at a chowk, surrounded all around by local shops, .... what astonised me was, almost all shops were run by muslims, with their titles in Urdu... I even thought, what was d need when they could hav set d temple at a Hindu locality...
Such great harmony...all focus on d differences but India continues 2 stay united as one... n will stay so.... always...
Jai Hind

Friday, June 11, 2010

Hope Is All That We've Got!!!

In one of the Greek classics, Zeus asked Pandora 2 carry a box which she is forbidden 2 open. However, just as with Eve in Christian mythology, her curiosity gets d better of her. She lifts d lid n at that moment all d evils of d world fly out n scatter about d Earth. Only one thing remains inside: Hope.
Despite d fact that everything contradicts us, despite our sadness n feeling of helplessness, despite being almost convinced that at this moment nothing will get better, we cannot afford 2 lose d one thing that silently keeps us alive: hope- that word treated with such irony by pseudo-intellectuals who consider it a synonym of fake consolation or deceit . That word so manipulated by governments who make promises which they know they’ll not keep, thus inflicting more wounds on the people’s trust. That word that rises with us every new morning gets sorely wounded during the progress of d day, n dies at nightfall. And yet is reborn d next day, again n again!
There is a saying ‘Where there is life, there is hope’. True. But, then there’s an extension that’s as much true- where there is hope, there’ll be life. As I look across, finding myself n my dear pals immersed in troubles n pains, I take heart from the fact n I hope that- there is a beautiful tomorrow very much in our hands. We just need to reach out for it.

DEATH is the answer 2 LIFE

Yes! DEATH is the most important thing in life, without any competition, what-so-ever. We are all walking towards death, but we never know when death will touch us. Therefore, it is our duty to look around us, to be grateful about every single minute. But, it pains me to see n know a lot of people who choose 2 die when they r still living. They continue working n eating n carrying on with their social activities. But they do everything on automatic pilot, unaware of the magic moment that each day brings with it, never stopping 2 think of d miracle of life, not understanding that d next minute could b their last on this planet.
 We should rather be grateful 2 death, because it makes us think about d importance of each decision we take or fail 2 take; it makes us stop doing anything that keeps us stuck in d category of ‘living dead’, n instead, urges us to risk everything, to bet everything on those things we have always dreamt of doing, because, whether we like it or not, the angel of death is waiting for us………….

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A New Avenue Beckons...

Yes! Here I am, starting my own blog, so that I can reach out 2 many of u- my friends n well wishers, with many a thoughts n emotions n help touch more souls…

All of u, making my life so much worth livin, hope ur encouragement n feed backs help me keep going in this new venture …

Smile on n Enjoy!